
Posts Tagged ‘lunch’

Well, folks, today’s the day. I’m starting the “challenge“. After spending an ungodly amount of money at the grocery store yesterday, I think I have all the tools I need to begin this journey. Actually, that was part of my plan. I figured when I tell my husband the price of all this stuff, he’ll be in such a state of shock that he won’t even know what he’s eating for the next ten days. I am planning to post my weight at the beginning of this and then post what I weigh towards the end. I will also post if I do any exercise during the time so that if I lose a considerable amount, it won’t all be attributed to the eating.

We already hit a rough patch with giving something different to my kids. Yesterday, after my trip to the store, the kids were hungry. They hadn’t had much to eat that day so actually they should have been more like starving. They love fruit and they were clamoring for all the grapes and strawberries. I decided to fix them an almond butter and Crofter’s fruit spread sandwich on whole grain bread I got from the store that was acceptable (only a few ingredients, no corn syrup or sugar in it). First of all, the almond butter is amazing. I can tell I am going to have to fight myself not to eat it all the time. I like it more than peanut butter. Anyhow, I fix my self a sandwich and make them half a sandwich with a handful of grapes. I’m thinking “No problem, this should go over fine.” No such luck. They ate all the grapes and wouldn’t even try the sandwich. We were able to coax/cajole/threaten one twin into eating most of it, although he would not eat the crust, but the other one was perfectly content to sit at the table and just stare at his. He only took one tiny microscopic bite before declaring it a no-winner. Now, I will say, the bread was a little different to what we are used to. I can see why they call processed foods processed foods. Because what they don’t process in the factory, you process in your mouth! I felt like I was working out just chewing the bread. It was soft, don’t get me wrong, but my jaws were hurting. I am thinking that might be what turned them off to the sandwich because the almond butter and fruit spread was divine. I will say that the sandwich was filling. One was enough to fill me up for a while. I guess I am just going to have to keep giving it to them and eventually they’ll get so hungry that human nature will take over and they’ll eat it.

So I am planning on making homemade whole-wheat waffles today for breakfast on my brand-new waffle iron (yay!) and whip cream sweetened with honey. I am also going to put some berries and maple syrup on it. It should be something the kids will enjoy. I don’t know about Mr. Sawyers. I have a roller skating lesson to go to and then I get to come home a plan lunch. I still have no clue what to make. This all feels so uncertain. I never really have to think about what to make, I usually just grab something and fix it. This feels so foreign. But, as the well known philosophist Martin Payne would say “Ain’t nothin’ to it but to do it!”

So, yeah, here goes my weight. I tried to sneak out without telling it to you. It’s *coughing* 348lbs *cough, cough*.

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