
Posts Tagged ‘pros’

I am deciding to comprise a list of the good, the bad and the ugly. What I am dreading about this challenge and what I am looking forward to (is there anything?). So here goes:

The Pros:

Increased health

Lower Calorie Intake

Weight loss

Less harmful substances in my body

Ummmmm, yeah, that about sums it up for me……Can’t really think of anything else at this point……

The Cons:

NO SUGAR: I have and insatiable sweet tooth. Sugar is one of the things that keeps me from being suicidal and/or homicidal. I and countless others are alive today because I was able to get my hands on a pint of ice cream at just the right moment. What will I do without all of that sugary goodness???????

NO FAST FOOD: I am a drive thru regular. As I write this I am literally eating a spicy chicken sandwich, fries and a shake from Rally’s. I can’t imagine my life with out Taco Bell, Mickey D’s, and Jack in the Crack. Maybe that’s part of the problem…….

I AM ACTUALLY GOING TO HAVE TO COOK: What a novelty! I will actually have to prepare meals. I love to bake but I HATE to cook. I think it’s because it makes such a mess and 9.5 times out of 10 I am the one cleaning it up.

VERY FEW “QUICK FIX” OPTIONS: For those of us with kids I am sure you can relate to this. Sometimes you just don’t have the time to make a meal. You want to be able to just grab something, shove it in their mouths and keep it moving. I am really going to have to plan what we eat.

CHANGING MY SHOPPING: I don’t know about you, but I HATE grocery shopping. The long lines, the bags, just the thought of it makes me shudder. And now I am going to have to actually pay attention to what I buy, not just grab things and toss them in my cart in a shopping induced stupor.

That’s all for now folks, it’s past midnight and I have a handsome man to go cuddle up next to. More to come tomorrow as I share a little more about myself and all the chips stacked against me and as I go on my first shopping trip (eek) to start buying “real food”.

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